






(1)2003.9-2006.6,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,获博士学位./PH.d, Geography and Planning School of Sun Yat-Sen University, 2003.9-2006.6.

(2)1999.9-2002.6,中南林业科技大学旅游学院,获硕士学位/Masters degree, College of Tourism, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 1999.9-2002.6.

(3)1995.9-1999.6,湖南师范大学旅游学院,获学士学位/Bachelors Degree, College of Tourism, Hunan Normal University, 1995.9-1999.6.


旅游饭店管理/Hospitality ManagementUndergraduate

旅游企业人力资源管理/Tourism Enterprise Human Resource ManagementUndergraduate

社会文化地理学/Social and Culture GeographyUndergraduate

研究课题/Research Projects

(1)主持(在研)国家自然科学基金项目(41201137):基于(跨)文化认同的城市饮食空间地方性建构与重塑研究——广州案例,2013.1-2015.12/The Construction and Re-construction of Place in the Urban Food Spaces by (Cross-)cultural Identity: Case Studies in Guangzhou(2013-2015),funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No: 41201137);

(2)主持(在研)广东省自然科学基金项目(S2011010005996):珠三角城市饮食文化空间的文化认同与地方感研究,2011.10-2013.10/Cultural identity and sense of place in the urban food spaces of Pearl River Delta(2011-2013),funded by The Natural Science Foundation ofGuangdong Province(No: S2011010005996);

(3)主持(已结题)广东省哲学社会科学“十一五”规划2009年学科共建项目(09GO-09):珠三角星级酒店组织气候对组织学习能力的影响研究,2009.1-2011.12/ The Impact of Organizational Climate on Organizational Learning Capability in the Star Hotel of Pearl River Delta(2009-2011), funded by Guangdong Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science(No:09GO-09);

(4)主持(已结题)广东省软科学研究计划项目(2010B070300077):广东现代服务业自主创新路径研究:基于动态竞争力视角,2010.1-2011.12/ The Paths of Independent Innovation of Modern Service Enterprises in Guangdong: Based on the Dynamic Competence(2010-2011),funded by Guangdong Province soft science(No: 2010B070300077)。

(5)主持(在研)《旅游饭店管理》校级精品课程(2009.1-2013.12)/Quality Courses(2009-2013), funded by South China Normal University.

期刊论文/Journal Articles

1.蔡晓梅,朱竑.高星级酒店外籍管理者对广州地方景观的感知与跨文化认同.地理学报,2012,67(6):1057-1068.[Cai Xiaomei,Zhu Hong. Foreign Managers' Perception on Urban Landscape of Place and Their Cross-cultural Identity: A Case Study in Guangzhou. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(6):1057-1068.]

2.蔡晓梅. 基于顾客价值的现代服务企业动态竞争力研究.学术研究,2012,7:89-94.[Cai Xiaomei. An Approach to the Dynamic Competence of Modern Service Enterprises: Based on a Customer Capability Perspective. Academic Research, 2012,7:89-94.]

3.蔡晓梅,朱竑,刘晨.情境主题餐厅员工地方感特征及其形成原因—以广州味道云南食府为例.地理学报,2012,67(2):239-252.[Cai Xiaomei,Zhu Hong,Liu Chen. Characteristics and Causes of Situational Theme Restaurant Staff's Sense of Place:A Case Study of the Taste-Yunnan Restaurant in Guangzhou. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(2):239-252.]

4.蔡晓梅,朱竑,刘晨. 顾客对情境主题餐厅表演的感知研究——以广州味道云南食府为例.人文地理,2012,27(1):119-126.[Cai Xiaomei,Zhu Hong,Liu Chen. A Study of Customers’ Perceptions On The Shows In Situational Theme Restaurant: A Case Study of Taste-Yunnan Restaurant In Guangzhou, Human Geography, 2012,27(1):119-126.]

5.蔡晓梅,陈颖诗. 经济型酒店组织学习对动态能力的影响研究——以广州为例.华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2012,44(3):139-144.[Cai Xiaomei, Chen Yingshi. The Influence of Organizational Learning on Dynamic Capabilities: An Empirical Study of Guangzhou's Budget Hotels. Journal of South  China Normal  University(Natural Science Edition), 2012,44(3):139-144.]

6.蔡晓梅,刘晨.学习型酒店的理论与实证研究——以广州为例.旅游论坛,2012,5(3):67-74.[Cai Xiaomei, Liu Chen. A Theoretical and Empirical Study on Learning Hospitality: A Case of Guangzhou. Tourism Forum, 2012,5(3):67-74.]

7.蔡晓梅,龙美情. 高星级酒店领导风格对员工工作满意度的影响研究——以广州市为例. 北京第二外语学院学报,2012,34(7):29-38.[Cai Xiaomei, Long MeiQing. Impacts of Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction in High Star-rated Hotels: A Case Study of Guangzhou. Journal of Beijing International  Studies University, 2012,34(7):29-38.]

8.蔡晓梅,黄莉葱. 中国女性竞技体育人才的时空分布特征及其形成原因

­——以历届亚运会女性冠军为例.热带地理,2012,32(1):79-85. [Cai Xiaomei, Huang Licong. Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Female Sport Talents inChinaand Their Causes of Formation:A Case Study on the Female Champions in Previous Asian Games. Tropical Geography, 2012,32(1):79-85.]

9.蔡晓梅,郑晓霞.基于时间序列数据的中国星级饭店营业收入影响因素分析.北京第二外语学院学报, 2011, 33(1): 56-62.[Cai Xiaomei,Zheng Xiaoxia. Based on time-series data of China-star Hotel Operating Income Analysis. Journal of Beijing  International Studies  University, 2011, 33(1): 56-62.]

10.蔡晓梅,朱竑,司徒尚纪. 广东饮食文化景观及其区域分异研究.热带地理, 2011, 31(3): 321-327.[Cai Xiaomei,Zhu Hong,Situ Shangji. Guangdong Cooking Culture Landscapes and Their Regional Differences. Tropical Geography, 2011, 31(3): 321-327.]

11.蔡晓梅.组织气候对组织学习能力的影响研究——以广州市星级酒店为例.旅游学刊,2010,25(7):62-69.[Cai Xiaomei. The Impact of Organizational Climate on Organizational Learning Capability——A Case Study of Star-rated Hotels in Guangzhou. Tourism Tribune, 2010,25(7):62-69.]

12.蔡晓梅,赖正均.广州市餐饮企业竞争要素实证研究.旅游学刊,2008,23(8):63-68.[Cai Xiaomei,Lai Zhengjun. An Empirical Study on the Competitive Factors of Catering Enterprises in Guangzhou. Tourism Tribune, 2008,23(8):63-68.]

13.蔡晓梅,赖正均.广州居民在外饮食消费行为的时空间特征研究.人文地理,2008,23(3):79-84. [Cai Xiaomei,Lai Zhengjun. Spatio-Temporal Characteristic of The Guangzhou Resident’s Consumption Behavior in The Non-Home Made Food. Human Geography, 2008,23(3):79-84.]

14.蔡晓梅,司徒尚纪.广东少数民族饮食文化特质及其影响研究.热带地理,2008,28(2):187-192. [Cai Xiaomei, Situ Shangji. The Characteristics and Effects of the National Minority’s Dietary Cultures in Guangdong. Tropical Geography, 2008,28(2):187-192.]

15.蔡晓梅.西方饮食文化研究进展与评述[J].经济问题探索,2007(4):57-61.[Cai Xiaomei. Advances and Reviews on Research of Food Culture Abroad Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2007(4):57-61.]

16.蔡晓梅,赖正均. 旅游者对广州饮食文化景观形象感知的实证研究[J].人文地理,2007,22(1):63-66.[Cai Xiaomei,Lai Zhengjun. Empirical Research on Visitors of Image Perception for the Landscape of Food Culture in Guangzhou. Human Geography, 2007,22(1):63-66.]

17.蔡晓梅,司徒尚纪.广东饮食文化形成与发展的机理研究[J].岭南文史,2007(4):54-59.[Cai Xiaomei, Situ Shangji. Formation and Development  Mechanism of Food Culture in Guangzhou. Lingnan Culture and History, 2007(4):54-59.]

18. 蔡晓梅,仇思敏,甘巧林.泰国饮食在广州的发展现状与市场营销分析[J].商业研究,2006(5):190-194.[Cai Xiaomei,Qiu Simin, Gan Qiaolin. Marketing Strategies of Thai Cooking in Guangzhou. Commercial Research, 2006(5):190-194.]

19. 蔡晓梅,熊伟,司徒尚纪. “食在广州”的文化内涵与成因分析.热带地理,2006,26(2):192-196.[ Cai Xiaomei,Xiong Wei, Situ Shangji. "Eating in Guangzhou": the Cultural Connotation and the Underlying Causes. Tropical Geography, 2006,26(2):192-196.]

20. 蔡晓梅,司徒尚纪.中国地理学视角得饮食文化研究回顾与展望.云南地理环境研究,2006,18(5):83-88.[Cai Xiaomei, Situ Shangji. A Review on the Studies of Food Culture  From Geographical Perspective.Yunnan Geographic Environment Research, 2006,18(5):83-88.]

21. 蔡晓梅.商务客人的酒店需求特征及其在酒店规划设计中的应用.旅游科学,2005(2):48-53.[Cai Xiaomei. Business Hotel Planning and Design: An Analysis on Consumers’ Perspectives. Tourism Science, 2005(2):48-53.]

       22.杨晓佳,蔡晓梅.旅游广告在旅游产品推广中的应用.商业研究,2005,323(15):184-187.[Yang Xiaojia, Cai Xiaomei.Advertising in Tourism Promotion. Commercial Research, 2005,323(15):184-187.]

       23.蔡晓梅,张朝枝.SARS对广州酒店业的影响调查分析[J].华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2004(2):120-127.[Cai Xiaomei,Zhang Chaozhi. A Survey on the Impacts of SARS upon Hotels in Guangzhou. Journal of South China Normal  University(Natural Science Edition) ,2004(2):120-127.]

       24.蔡晓梅,甘巧林,张朝枝. 广州饮食文化景观的空间特征及其形成机理分析[J].社会科学家,2004,106(2):95-98.[Cai Xiaomei,Gan Qiaolin,Zhang Chaozhi. Analysis on Spatial Characteristics and Formation Mechanism for the Landscape of Food Culture in Guangzhou. Social Scientist,2004,106(2):95-98.]

       25. 蔡晓梅.城市旅游形象分析方法在节事活动主题定位中的应用——以广州市为例.社会科学家,2003,3:100-104.[Cai Xiaomei. Study on Analytical Method of Urban Tourism Image in the Festival Theme positioning: a case of Guangzhou.Social Scientist, 2003,3:100-104.]

       26. 蔡晓梅,张朝枝.青年旅舍在中国:现状与前景.桂林旅游高等专科学校学报,2003,4:31-37.[Cai Xiaomei,Zhang Chaozhi.Youth Hostel in China: Present Situation and Prospect .Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism, 2003,4:31-37.]


会议论文Conference Articles

1.蔡晓梅,刘晨.学习型酒店的理论与实证:广州案例,2011《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会,中国北京,2011年5月20-22日/ Cai Xiaomei, Liu chen. A Theoretical and Empirical Study on Learning Hospitality: A Case of Guangzhou. China Tourism Research Annual Meeting on“Tourism Research”, Beijing, China, May 20th-22th,2011.

2.蔡晓梅,刘晨. 组织学习能力对动态竞争力的影响研究——珠三角的星级酒店为例,第五届绿色旅游管理国际论坛,中国广州暨南大学, 2011年6月25-27./Xiaomei Cai,Chen Liu. The impact of Organizational learning on Dynamic Competitive Advantage:A case study of Star-Rated Hotels in Pearl River Delta. The Fifth International Symposium on Green Tourism Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou,China, June 25th to 27th ,2011.

3.蔡晓梅,刘晨,朱竑.大学的怀旧意象及其空间性建构——以中山大学为例,大学、文化与城市发展海内外论坛,中国南京大学,2012年6月15-16日./ Cai Xiaomei, Liu Chen ,Zhu Hong. The Nostalgic Image and the Construction of Spatiality on Campus: A Case of Sun Yat-san University, Nanjing University, June 15th to 16th,2012

4.蔡晓梅,刘晨,朱竑.素食餐厅的地方性建构——以广州怡新素食为例,2012年中国人文地理年会,中国华中师范大学,2012年10月27-28日./ Cai Xiaomei, Liu Chen ,Zhu Hong. Making Place in the Vegetarian Restaurant: A Case Study of the Refreshing Vegetarian Food in Guangzhou, Annual Meeting of China Human Geography, Central China Normal University,October 27th to 28th,2012.


书籍与笔谈/Book and Short Communication

       1.傅云新,蔡晓梅主编.旅游学[M].广州:中山大学出版社,2007,8./Fu Yunxin, Cai Xiaomei. Tourism Science. Gouzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press,2007.8.

       2.蔡晓梅,何瀚林.城市星级酒店的“无地方性”思考.旅游学刊,2013(3):7-8./Cai Xiaomei, He Hanlin. Discuss of Placelessness in Urban Star Hotel. Tourism Tribune, 2013(3):7-8.
